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Essential Items to Keep in Your Car for Safety

April 28, 2022

Essential Items to Keep in Your Car for Safety

Tire changing tools

Flat tires are the most common cause of car breakdown. Modern vehicles have tire-changing kits. If you don't already own one, get one. These tools include spare tires, car jacks, lug wrenches, and other specialty tools.

Tire Sealant

Tire sealant may be able to fix a small leak in your tire that does not require you to change your tire.

Jumper Cables

Another reason for common breakdowns in automotive vehicles is dead batteries. Jumper cables should always be kept in your car. You can flag down a vehicle to jump if your car's battery is low. They will be able to help you start your car by using their battery. To keep your car's battery charged, make sure you pump the gas after your engine turns over.

First Aid Kit and Water / Snacks

To be safe, always keep a first aid kit and emergency water on hand. Because plastic can cause water to leach from hot water, we recommend that water be kept in non-plastic containers.


To help you find a light source in the dark, bring a powerful flashlight. This is a better option than relying solely on your smartphone's flashlight.

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